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We're here with practical tax information for your business. Find out about business taxes, tax planning and more.


We've scoured the web to get you the most up-to-date advice which includes the most useful tools on offer from the officials themselves.

Effective tax planning is essential if you are to minimise your tax bills. Simple tax planning can significantly reduce your tax liabilities.

The self-assessment tax return is an unavoidable burden if you are liable for self-employed tax or have complicated income tax affairs.

Corporation tax is charged on a company's profits. If you trade as a limited company, ensure that paying this tax is as painless as possible.

National Insurance Contributions (NICs) are payable whether you are self-employed or employed by your own company, although different rates apply.

As well as your legal obligations, you’ll want to ensure that payroll is painless and that you use any opportunities to improve your tax-efficiency.


Effective VAT planning aims to ensure that VAT is relatively painless, and that you are reclaiming as much as possible of the VAT you pay.

Capital gains are made when you sell something for more money than you paid for it. As a result, you can be subject to tax. Take professional advice.

Business property taxes apply to businesses with commercial premises.There are two commercial property taxes: business rates and stamp duty land tax.

If you have tax problems or face a tax investigation, it pays to seek professional advice and you must act rather than just hoping for the best.

Small businesses applaud Labour’s good intentions, but the policies are doomed

5 July 2024

Labour’s election victory: Small businesses applaud Labour’s good intentions, but the policies are doomed.

Responding to the election result, Rory MccGwire, founder of the UK’s largest small business advice website Start Up Donut, said:

"After 14 years in which the government soundbites about supporting small businesses were rarely matched by actual support for those businesses, I think the Labour victory is seen as a chance for real change and improvement.

"But how will the incoming government’s promised policy changes affect the 99 per cent of UK businesses classed as ‘micro’ or ‘small’?

"In reality, these policies will have remarkably little impact. Why? Because we have seen these plans and promises many times before, in one guise or another. And yet, successive governments have failed to make a positive impact on the lives of the UK's smallest businesses.

"Let’s look at the three main new policies aimed at helping small businesses.

"Firstly, business rates. These have been discussed endlessly. I lost count of the number of consultations and reviews long ago. Pointing out the current flaws and problems is easy, but achieving a satisfactory solution is another matter entirely.

"Secondly, the national investment bank. There's no shortage of banks wanting to lend to small businesses. The real problem is that lending to small businesses is high risk. The well-known solution is for the government to underwrite the lending with some kind of guarantee (such as the Loan Guarantee Scheme and its successor schemes) and for the government to offer an ‘enterprise allowance’ grant to anyone brave enough to try starting a new business.

"Thirdly, the promise of more public sector work being awarded to small businesses has been made endlessly and such schemes have a lousy track record. The reality is that submitting a tender is a time-consuming and costly process for small businesses - with no guarantee of success. And often, those that are successful end up making a loss anyway because they have to undercut others to win the contract.

"The fact is that politicians and policymakers simply do not understand what is involved in running a small business. There are so many ways that life could be made easier.

"So, we have another party in power and another set of changes. What most small business owners want is for politicians to stop moving the goalposts so that they can get on with employing people and running their businesses."

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